The Silent Note

Cortometraje de animación / Animated Short Film


El cortometraje trata sobre Romy. un chico que da clases de piano, se da cuenta que no tiene ningún don para la música por parte de su profesor, Romy se rendirá por fin. Su profesor se verá liberado hasta que un día llaman a su puerta....

The story is about Romy, who was only 10 when he had his first piano lessons under Herr Ludwig. Ludwig, however, realized that Romy has no gift in music. After a series of unpleasant confrontations, Ludwig was finally relieved at the sight of Romy yielding. Alas, an end to his frustration. Or so he thought for the following months... Until there was a knock on his door.


-Director técnico: Chathra Weeraman
-Animador: Shahin Ghahremani
-Artista de entornos 3d: Tristan Yap
-Animador: Calvin Koh
-Música: Pach Record Production,